True Colors (Chapter 9)

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The government is trying to brainwash the young ones and future generations. Their goal is rewrite the rules of society, with men at the top of it. Planning to oppress women, and giving only those in power the good things. Not to mention the fact that while the wife is telling him what could happen to women, and how the policy is unfair, he is only focused on his car. Its like they are married, but he sees himself as better and on another level then her. But then again, it might just be the culture of their society.

  • Timothy Williams

Cover Up (Chapter 8)

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According to the adults in this panel, the television broadcasts fake information. Most importantly, elections. The government is going behind the wishes of the people to accomplish want they want, instead of going by the will of the people. This panel also highlights how passionate Maji’s father is, and as well as how potentially dangerous he could be. On different occasions he has exploded and acted violent or crazily towards his daughter, and/or wife. Which could just be the culture of the men in that country, maybe men always are thought to be at the top of society, and that’s why and how the veil was introduced.

  • Timothy Williams

In between the lines (Chapter 7)

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Marji uses social classes to determine who she has liking for, and who not to. In the first picture in the panel, she looks as her Uncle as hero, and immediately loved him. While at the same time, classifying her dad as less than a hero, and in turn losing respect and care for him. Like in their society, the class of hero is put above everyone else, and therefor the best and only the best, and no one can compare. In that moment, Marji was treating her Uncle better than her dad because he is more of a “hero” than her dad.

  • Timothy Williams

Underneath the surface (Chapter 6)

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The government were doing a lot of questionable things to people under the surface. Just think about it, they forced women to wear the veil because of men not being able to control themselves. Thus defending men being pigs, and defending rape if the woman is showing as little as much as hair. In this specific panel, the cruel questionable thing they did was torture a man with an iron. They went out and tortured a man with a household appliance, that is just unacceptable, and because of social classes there is nothing they can do about it.

  • Timothy Williams

Unfair Judgement (Chapter 5)

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This panel broadcasts the effects of classes. How it literally made a man go from interested in a girl, to at complete embarrassment for even contacting her. You MUST associate yourself with those in your social class. Not only that, but you are also born into your class; therefor if you are born into a poor family, you will forever be classified as poor. And this is a code that it seems men live by and support, while the women question it and dislike it.

-Timothy Williams

The Culture (Chapter 3)

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A hate culture of women has developed overtime. An idea was adopted that oppressed women, and put them in separate “classes.” “As everyone knows:’Southern women are all whores'” is a good example of the hate culture. Women are put in there own categories, praising some and hating others. Which ultimately oppresses all women as whole; and in this panel instead of women being against it,some women have adopted it and live by it themselves.

-Timothy Williams

Risk (Chapter 2)

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The risks that they went through, the oppression made it so standing against the government had great consequences. In this panel, the man is trying to take pictures; doing that alone could end in arrest, or getting shot. As he expressed once, he was before arrested. Luckily, he escaped, however just him trying again shows his desperation to stand up against them. Even though he knows the consequences of standing up, he is so desperate to stand up to them that despite what would happen, he will keep trying.

-Timothy WIlliams



Creating division in Public Schools (chapter 1)

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After the revolution, there was a great division inside schools; this division separated those who once was able to have school together and also made mandatory for girls to wear a veil. This separation created a “class” inside schools, separating the strong (boys) from the weak (girls), being a first step in oppressing women. _Timothy Williams_