Goodbye (Chapter 19)

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It was goodbye; her parents paid for her to have a way out the country and live on her own. As sad as it was for her, it is what was best for her. Getting out there was better than living in a country like that, one that wants to oppress her. You can never say the government never tore apart families.

Had enough (Chapter 18)

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After all the craziness, people were having enough. People were moving out, her being one of them. Her parents were pushed to the edge, and decided it was best to get her out the country. She was too bold, and country was a big threat to her. Maybe if only the circumstances were different.

Public Executions (Chapter 15)

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“The shame if it” is correct. They live in a society where what the government says goes. The government publicly executes people, and privately executes them if they see fit. In that society, the government runs on fear. They put people in classes, and punishes the people in the lower ones. While killing and imprisoning those who stands up to the regime.

  • Timothy Williams

Lies from Above (Chapter 14)

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The ones at the “top”  lie to the ones at the “bottom” to get them to “act right.” In this panel, the government has been caught lying to the civilians on the news. Which is scary, right? The ones you are supposed to trust with your country, and idolize, are lying to you. Makes you wonder what else they are lying about. Separating them in classes, only certain ones get to know whats really going on.

  • Timothy WIlliams

Scuds – Chapter 18

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“Scud is a series of tactical ballistic missiles developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was exported widely to both Second and Third World countries. Iraq was the first to use ballistic missiles during the Iran–Iraq War. In 27 October 1982, Iraq launched its first Scud-Bs at Dezful killing 21 civilians and wounding 100. Scud strikes continued during the following years, intensifying sharply in 1985, with more than 100 missiles falling inside Iran.”

Sympathy for women..?

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Only those who lived on that street were allowed into the ruins of houses after the attack. This shows that there was possibly some sympathy from the guards, since they let Marji through as she pushed through the crowd frantically, trying to get home to her family. Although many people didn’t have much respect for the women during this time, there were still some who had sympathetic feelings and were semi-respectful of them as an individual.

Emma Kinch – Chapter 18

Killing of a Virgin is a Crime (Chapter 19)

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Iraq soldiers would catch young girls that where virgins still and they would first take their virginity and them kill them because it was a crime to kill a virgin. This was very disruptive and discussing! innocent girls where used in able to get a point across and in able to create fear in those who witnessed it. Everything that the people from Iraq would do was to hurt Iranian people and in able to gain as much power as possible. _Andrea_