Goodbye (Chapter 19)

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It was goodbye; her parents paid for her to have a way out the country and live on her own. As sad as it was for her, it is what was best for her. Getting out there was better than living in a country like that, one that wants to oppress her. You can never say the government never tore apart families.

Had enough (Chapter 18)

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After all the craziness, people were having enough. People were moving out, her being one of them. Her parents were pushed to the edge, and decided it was best to get her out the country. She was too bold, and country was a big threat to her. Maybe if only the circumstances were different.

Public Executions (Chapter 15)

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“The shame if it” is correct. They live in a society where what the government says goes. The government publicly executes people, and privately executes them if they see fit. In that society, the government runs on fear. They put people in classes, and punishes the people in the lower ones. While killing and imprisoning those who stands up to the regime.

  • Timothy Williams

Lies from Above (Chapter 14)

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The ones at the “top”  lie to the ones at the “bottom” to get them to “act right.” In this panel, the government has been caught lying to the civilians on the news. Which is scary, right? The ones you are supposed to trust with your country, and idolize, are lying to you. Makes you wonder what else they are lying about. Separating them in classes, only certain ones get to know whats really going on.

  • Timothy WIlliams

Chambers (Chapter 12)

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Is it just me, or is it unusual for a society to specifically build a chamber for the unmarried men? It would be fine to build one for those lost, but specifically they’re building a chamber for the men who never had the chance to be married, so they can symbolically attain carnal knowledge. Indirectly pointing to the only reason for marriage is for sexual desires. Which indirectly says that women are only purposeful when the topic is sex.

  • Timothy Williams

Free For All (Chapter 11)

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The war caused by the government has torn a hole in the lives of the people. Food is scarce, the veil is being forced, and people that once lived in peace are now being turned against each other. Not to mention the inner conflicts every citizen is having themselves wondering why life must be as it is. Their lives were flipped on their heads for the benefit of the government.

  • Timothy Williams

Inner Conflicts (Chapter 10)

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In this panel, it shows the problem in their country. The younger generations were brainwashed to believe in the government, and that everyone else are outsiders. While the older generations lived enough, and seen how the government changed the country. They old generations hate how the government is, and have great pride in service. While the younger ones have little respect, and are into things for thing wrong reasons.

-Timothy Williams